Hello, readers and writers!

I apologize for the lack of blog posts lately as I have many things taking up most of my time lately. One of those things happens to be the writing/editing of my next novel Not Ready which will be the first book in my very first series! I’m super excited but also terrified, so I’ve been spending a lot of time staring at a blank page in panic. My goal for the summer is to get back into blog posting because I’ll have significantly more time with the changing hours of my job.

Okay, moving on from that small announcement, I’m here today to talk about My Life in Shambles by Karina Halle. She’s one of my favorite authors with a diverse writing style. She can write comedy and drama amazingly, and I’ve enjoyed 99% of her books (don’t even bring up The Pact). But everything else has been absolutely solid and inspires me to continue writing romance.

My Life in Shambles by Karina Halle


Playing it safe has never really worked for Valerie Stephens as her life isn’t immune to failures. She’s spent so much of her life chasing this idea of how life should be, and she’s finished pursuing that plain dream. Her resolution this year is to say yes to new adventures, and those yeses bring her to Ireland on New Year’s Eve. Saying yes also introduces her to Padraig, a very sexy Irish man who’s just been told the most shocking news of his life. New adventures leads to a complicated few weeks in Ireland where Valerie learns the value of taking chances and falling in love.

What I Didn’t Like:

  • Padraig’s dad was a confusing character. I won’t spoil anything, but his actions didn’t always match up with who his character was.
  • The ending seemed to wrap up a little too nicely and suddenly for me. I wanted a certain character to go through some more instead of just a conversation to realize they were wrong.

What I Liked:

  • The complicated lives of the main characters was great. I love that Karina adds characters with disabilities into her novels (sometimes). She really covers what it would feel like to go through things her characters have experienced.
  • The story was great as fake relationships are a really popular trope. This isn’t her first time writing a fake relationship, but she makes the experience new and totally different from her books before.
  • There was a lot of heart in this novel, and the characters grow a significant amount during the novel. I had a hard time putting the book down as I wanted to know what was going to happen.


Another great read from Karina Halle. She’s an amzing writer, and I love reading her stuff. She has a new novel coming out ain August of this year that I need to read as soon as it releases! Check out more reviews of her work on my blog!

Thank you so much for reading!

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2 responses to “My Life in Shambles by Karina Halle”

  1. Jessica Belmont Avatar
    Jessica Belmont

    Sounds great. Wonderful review!

    Liked by 1 person

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I’m Madison

I write romance novels about sweet heroes and complex heroines with plenty of spice. Realism is an essential part of the crafting process, creating complicated characters who deal with real-life issues.

I have an MFA in Creative Writing and works as a contemporary romance ghostwriter. You might have read mywriting without realizing it! I’ve studied the craft since 2016, working hard to improve my writing to bring excellent stories to your Kindle and bookshelf.

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